The spring women’s Bible study will begin on March 2nd and will be on the book of Hebrews with Jen Wilkin. A signup sheet will be put in the foyer. Wed love to have you join us. The group meets biweekly on Sunday afternoons at the church. If you have questions, you can contact Becky Helmick or Cathy Tilton.
Thank you everyone for help and patience in collecting information for our updated directory. If you still have not submitted your information for the directory it will be an open project; see David in the sound booth before the morning sermon or fill in the form by clicking the link below.
Point of note: the directory is NOT just members only. Online guests and even regular visitors are welcome and encouraged to sign up as well!
For more information you can email David at av.svbcfamily@gmail.com.
Bill Funk needs one or two people who can help him with general repairs. Someone who could be with contractors / vendors when they are here to service things. Yard maintenance, like weed pulling and hedge trimming. Odds and ends things to be good stewards of God’s gift to us by making sure things are cared for.
We are in need of additional folks in the areas of:
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28
For weather-related closing and delay updates be sure to check our Facebook Page and/or Twitter.